Youtube in India has been continuously evolving and breaching its boundaries. A whole new universe in itself is developing on Youtube as we speak. Creators marketing themselves and their work literally making trends and waves. Here are some of the Digital Creators who are here to stay.
1) Vedant Rusty
Vedant runs a very structured and smart commentary channel with over 95k subscribers where he breaks down videos, and helps the viewers gain a new perspective which they’d usually miss out. Vedant Also runs 4 more Youtube Channels from productivity to podcast and more often than not he is the first to upload whenever something goes viral.
2) Saiman Says
Saimandar is quite popular already, he is someone who is unapologetically himself, Saiman is a little bit of everything From Comedy sketches to meme reviews to charity stream he does it all. Saiman is the pioneer of modern youtube as we can see it bloom.
3) PapaOcus
PapaOcus Blew up in India after his video on Mumbiker Nikhil, which ultimately meant no harm but this gave PapaOcus a platform to bring out the inside drama, and toxicity of Youtube India. PapaOcus is also one of very few People who made Video Essays famous in India
4) Dank Rishu
Rishab, He gained fame after his idubbz inspired series 'Content Chowkidaar' he brought to attention the scams, injustice, manipulation of Creators with a huge face base.